Christmas Vacation 2017

Back in Belize

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We made it back home from yesterday at around three. The crossing was easy as was immigration and customs, Sofia actually passed out for the ride which was nice being she’s not been sleeping well and getting her full rest on this trip. David had lunch while I shopped and I had my meal in the boat on the way home. We bought kyack paddles, plastic planners ranging in size, a pan, two sexy drinking glasses, pants for Sofia, and a few other things in Barrios. I’m up now just before Eight after heading to bed with a bad cold, now it’s full on aches, pains, and runny nose. Let’s hope it passes before the new year is upon us.

We Made It!

Merry Christmas a bit late.

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I am finally relaxed and on the bus waiting to leave Guatemala City. We woke up to send Sara off before dawn and Sofia and I got a few more Z’s until we had to wake up after seven. Christmas was a great time for Sofia being she got so many awesome things and got to play with boxes, wrapping paper, new toys, and even got a great family photo done. Elizabeth was kind enough to get a few captures for us and this is my favorite. Later in the day we took a nice walk to the avenue I showcased yesterday for some out and about time and we ran into a fun parade persession, Extra FUN. Sofia had her leftover Xmas dinner from the previous night that she missed and I went with her to bed. I’ll post this when we reach Purto Barrios around Six after we check in and if I have the time I’ll talk about our bus trip. It’s now almost Eight and the trip was hell, not the best travel day for Sofia, good night.

Christmas Dinner

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So firstly I found that we missed a ruin about an hour and a half north-east of here called Mixco, and we’ll be sure to explore it on our next visit. We did some last minute shopping today in the typical market and boy was it packed and exciting. Sofia scored a top, dress, and a doll while I picked up something special for my mother. We got home I wrapped her package and we hung out with Sofia while the Culbertsons cooked dinner. Eventhough some things were served semi-warm and Sofia missed out because of timing it was still a great feast. I’m drinking what’s left of my wine while the whole city of Antigua erupts in fireworks, they really know how to celebrate Christmas! Also found out today that we have a large avenue just to our south which a gorgous view of the volcano!

One More Volcano View.

Christmas Spirit?

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Last night I got two gifts wrapped for Sofia and watched my Rudolph, today a bit of the carpenters holiday album, and had more cookies. We don’t really have a holiday plan other then turkey tomorrow which his okay with me this year. Today we visited our friend Penny who’s living in a lush garden setting with three fun pups that kept everyone entertained during our visit. The Culbertsons made it back this afternoon and we ordered some Domino’s Pizza, yumm-o! Sofia has taken to the bed which is okay during this stay but I’m ready to put her back in the crib so I can get a full night’s rest without worrying about her. Oh and we had a pool afternoon too, the kids were really fun and Sofia and I could only stay for a few minutes before getting too chilly.

Two Day Update

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I was just too pooped last night and I went to bed with Sofia at 7:30 and didn’t wake up again until Six. We had a lovely dinner out at Panza Verde and yes you should give it a google. Sofia even got dressed up for the occasion eventhough she didn’t get much to eat, you’ll see my meal below. We enjoyed a nice lunch out with two of our Sabal Beach guests turned friends and again had a really nice local meal. The Culbertsons have left for a night or two to enjoy the beach and we’ll be staying put becouse it would have just been too much for Sofia. Not to worry we’ll make it their ourselves when she’s a bit older. Oh and we hit the pharmacy too the other day for formula and wipes.

Cerro de la Cruz

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We had a low key day and didn’t leave the house until this afternoon. The mornring was about playing in the yard, hanging in the hammock, and running after Sweet Love. The Culbertsons had a great time at the volcano and we took off to the overlook as you’ll see below of Antigua. We ended our afternoon with a lovely dinner at Hectors with duck, shrimp, sangria, and beef!

Tuesday the Nineteenth

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Today went by really fast and I feel like not much happened. We hit the store a few more times and Sofia again had a great day. David made us curry for dinner which was excellent and Sara added to it with a cucumber/tomato salad. Tomorrow the Culberson clan will head to the Valcano (afternoon 2-8) and the three of us + mom will stay behind and have an early dinner. Same thing might happen on Friday while they hit the black sandy beaches of the Pasific. Which brings us up to Christmas, I still have to wrap a few gifts that my mom sent for Sofia, which is turning into an adventure in finding wrapping paper.

Breakfast and a Block Party

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Okay guys Sofia is back on her schedule and everyone is much happier. We enjoyed a family breakfast out at our favorite spot and again the food was really nice. After that Sofia and I took the kids and Sara back home for a rest. I was happy Sofia got a lovely 2.5 hour nap and I too got in a bit of rest. The afternoon found us at the small square and church near us in which a small band was proforming, pictured below. Kathrin cooked us a great meatloaf with sauté string beans and mashed potatoes which were extra nice. Again it’s been nice relaxing with everyone and I believe most of us will be going on a valcano adventure later in the week. Otherwise no more plans which is fine with me as along as we get up to the lookout point overviewing Antiqua.

Shopping Day!

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Wow guys we had a jam pack day after getting up at Five. She did well sleeping but got into our bed sometime during the wee morning hours, didn’t really matter uptil she started moving around at four-ish. Anyhow we had the house mostly to our selfs until Sara woke up around seven-thirdy-ish. We said our hellos and while she got ready for the day we bought a few pies, breads, and pastries. The family got up and we had conversations until we went shopping/lunch early afternoon. We had a really nice lunch the Culbertsons and I while David, his mother, and Sofia did lunch only. Shopping was fun and a bit overwhelming but we got everything we needed for the next week and lots of fun eating options for Sofia. We split two tuk-tuks and Elisabeth and I squeezed in with three hug bags and three boxes, you should have seen us! We picked up two rotisserie chickens and are now sitting in front of a roaring fireplace relaxing. We still don’t have much of a plan for the week and a half but just relaxing and being together has been really nice.

Antigua Guatemala!

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Below is our view for the next ten days! This house is huge with three diffrent areas, two rooms and a bath in the front, a kitchen and laundry area with half bath in the middle, and at the back are the living, dining, and two other rooms both with baths above with two large courtyards with a pool as well. Getting her took another hour then usual with all the shopping/city traffic but again Sofia was happy in snug her carseat. This morning was nice as we got some walking, shopping, and nap in prior to our big two hour trip here. Family arrived early after nine and we sat up connecting for a bit. I am now pressing my blog and added twelve new pictures to Sofia’s site, if you’ve not visited lately you’re missing out on some great momories! Oh and She’s sleeping in her own twin size bed next to ours, first night ever without having all side protected!