Easter 2022

We Made It!

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Getting up at four wasn’t an issue for anyone and we got out the door on time and said our goodbyes. It was a bit slow for check-in at the counter but otherwise everything was fine. Sofia did pretty good for only getting eight hours sleep but passed out for most of the ride home, five minutes after leaving Belize airport. Connections in Houston was so easy with our gates being next to one another and Daddy got us a nice meal before we had to fly. Each of the flights was early to leave and land. We made great time through immigration and only had to pay a bit for customs. I can’t wait for my bed and everything is unpacked, tomorrow I’ll just have to organize better.

Last Day

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We had a jam packed day while still keeping it relaxed. We took a mile and a half walk with the resident dogs through gorgeous neighborhoods after a waffle and bacon breakfast with strawberries. Around 11 we loaded up the car and went to an ice skating facility and Sofia and I had the time of our lives. Ceciliana was the perfect teacher and I think if we had more time to practice she’d really be into it. I enjoyed the free feeling whizzing around the rink a few times too. We had an afternoon at a brew-house and everyone enjoyed love music and a late play area and a nice late lunch. We ended our day with a nice cheese and cracker plate while packing things up and getting ready for our return.

Two parks and a move

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These two weeks have been fun to go and stay in different places and today we made our last move to our friend Christina’s house. This morning David went for our rental car while Sofia and I relaxed at Grandma’s house. Upon his return we did some errands, got lunch and enjoyed an hour at hidden pond park. Sofia played the whole time while the adults took a hike around the pond at different times. David and I enjoyed sushi and said our goodbyes. We took secondary roads to our new spot and enjoyed the suburbs. Made ourselves at home and went back out for another park adventure and some shopping. We had a nice beef stew with a few sides and are now enjoying wine.

Brookfield Park, Thai, and a Pantry

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We started the day with an interesting park visit. It had really fun active equipment like a spinny helix, a cool swerving spindle, and a bike course that we just ran on. It also had a little pond overlook and we got to see some cute geese. We had an amazing Thai meal in the Kingston area and came back in time for Sofia and Mom to relax while we did a few errands. We had nice leftovers for dinner and I was able to construct a pantry so now her kitchen can also be better organized! I changed Sofia’s main picture on her site and will update her pictures to include today and yesterday shortly.

Chill Day

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After all our running around it was nice to mostly stay put today with Grandma. We left the family we stayed with for two nights this morning after a lovely breakfast. It was also nice they had a two hour delay so it didn’t feel rushed and we took our time to say goodbye. We made it back to Grandma’s in good time and enjoyed a lovely Chinese meal prior to the start of our project. It was fun to assemble a new desk for her and get things a bit more organized while Sofia had more down time and helped to get fruit popsicles. We met another Nephew for dinner and enjoyed a great meal at a restaurant, it was nice to catch up again in person. Heading home we stopped off at a park and Sofia enjoyed a few minutes of play. I was able to update her photos from Friday and hope to do another day or two before bed.

Tulips and Baseball!

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Hanging out with a family of six has made for an exciting day! Luckily Alana stayed home, she’s seven, and accompanied us to a real neat tulip farm. We got to pick them and even take a few bulbs home, even more fun they had a bouncy slide, and a bounce pad! We went to a nice place for lunch and again the girls got to play afterwards. I took a little rest while the rest of the family returned home from school and went right into dinner. We had a nice spaghetti with meatballs and sausage with steamed broccoli! We’re now at a baseball game living the American dream with blankets, hot cacao, and thick jackets!

Zoo and Pictures!

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Today was really great even though we just said goodbye to Mom and Pops. Mommom joined us for McDonald’s breakfast this morning so that was quick and easy and afterwards we hit the zoo! The whole park is flawless and it was a treat to see my otter play and even slide once. Sofia found a friend at the play structure and another friend after we had a little walk! Lunch was a home cooked meal at home and then a little rest. Taking pictures was a real treat and Sofia and our photographer were excellent to the point of only needing one shot each pose! We ended our day with a meal out with my great aunt and uncle and my cousin joined us so that was a treat too! We gave our hugs and are now on the road to Virginia where we’ll be staying for two nights. Hopefully I’ll have a few moments to update Sofia’s photos for everyone tomorrow.

Happiest Easter

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We had a bit more of a relaxed day today which was needed. This morning Mom set up the best Easter basket for Sofia and we got to play and eat a few things before heading off to late lunch. Aunt Janice threw an Easter party and just the appetizers alone were awesome, without even talking about the amazing turkey and ham dinner she made for us. Sofia enjoyed the egg hunt and got to meet people she’s not seen for years! It was great to connect with Pops side of the family. We’re already in bed before nine and hope to get a full night’s rest as we begin our last week here.


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We had our last friend visit today with Sarah and her beautiful family during an early lunch and park play for about two hours. During our return we stopped off at a really cute nursery in Bethel and enjoyed the Scenic drive. We went to visit Tara again and this time enjoyed a walk in the woods and enjoyed the weather and played a bit of catch. Mom kidnapped me, after a lovely dinner Poppop made us, to go shopping. We hit all the best stores in preparation for the Easter Bunny! I’m so excited to see her face tomorrow!

Six Flags!

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I can’t tell you how many rides we took today, some multiple times, but everyone had a fantastic time! Sofia was so brave and went on more than I did and thankfully David took her on the wonder woman swings and let me sit out of the hyper loop twice! We did all the rollers she could and really enjoyed those, can’t wait to go back. We entered at 11 and finally left at five with a few souvenirs and dipping dots for Sofia to cap off a great day. We’ll see Mom soon, but are still an hour away after a backup at the bay bridge. I can’t wait to update her photos but you’ll have to wait until Tuesday for those.