Mexico/USA 2016


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Boy oh boy, we had more delays yesterday so didn’t get into town until nearly nine. The flight was a bit late and then our rental car didn’t have working seatbelts in the front. luckily we switched cars and left the airport area by four. We ran into a friend in Belmopan during dinner and ended up taking her mom back home with us. Was fun to have another perosn along for the ride and we enjoyed our conversations. The flight was great and Sofia slept in my arms for most of it. I’ll  be adding a few pictures today so check the site in a few hours.

Northern Belize

More Relaxation 

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Well that’s the not fully true but the afternoon has been joyous. Logistics have been taken care of and we got our car, hotel, and boat ready and booked for the return portion of our trip. Otherwise we went shopping and had our final sit down Mexican meal of ethic food. Sofia got all her naps and I got mine as well. Tomorrow we fly at noon and I’ve decided not to pack until then, good night!

Regional Food!

Late to Merida

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Well guys we are in Merida and tired as all elce. While yeserday wasn’t too bad the airport delay of two hours after arriving four hours early becouse of checkout time wasn’t too relaxing. We got home around eleven and Sofia bless her heart woke up at six ready and bushy tailed for the day. Gladly for me shes resting soundly and I’ve been doing logistics. Delay aside and waitng for hours we got to board first, I mean how cool is that? Belize tomorrow, home by Sunday. I need a month! ❤

Can you find my travel pals?!

Palace and Ruin

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We had so much fun wondering around the ruined Templo de Tláloc just feet away from the main plaza in Mexico City in the morning. After getting Sofia and her stroller up and down many steps we all took our afternoon nap. Good thing we did as the afternoon was packed with wondering the small gardens and huge murals of the Presidential Palace which wasn’t on the docket but didn’t have a line so we snuck in. Endeing our afternoon we took in the view of the ruin and shared beer, cheese and prosciutto.


Fun in the City

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We had a jam packed day around the city and did a ton of things. We started our day with a lavish breakfast juat feet away from our hotel with hot chocolate, breads, and croissants all included. Walking down to the main park in the city we strolled in the shade and people watched prior to heading back and getting a nap. After getting a long rest we explored more, got a nice meal, and shopped. We ened our day with some ice cream and will head back out tomorrow again.


Mexico City!

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Wow, we are fortunate to be staying in a pretty swank place (Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico) for cheep here on the main square in the city. The room alone is as big as our first floor and the capeting, chairs, and beds are really nice too. Sofia has enjoyed a day of rest and exploring the city streets too. We took a dusk walk and you’ll see below how pretty and crowded it can be here. Not sure what the plan is but I’ve found my second wind and am eager to have even more fun without worring too much about getting my naps in.

Old and new buldings

Beach Day!

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What a fun day with a cool couple we’ve had by going to their beach house. The view as you see is waterfront and the breeze was so nice. Really made me miss home and our beach but was happy to have such good converstaions, a meal, and have Sofia meet and greet after not seeing these two since she was a few weeks old. I did some laundry this morning and got a pretty nice picture of the sunrise before leaving too. Tomorrow we fly to Mexico City for some business for a few days.

Sofia had a Checkup!

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Like us on our trip Sofia has gained a whole pound but better yet even gained 1/4th of an inch! Our nine month old is huge for her age and was a big girl during her vaccination. We got the go ahead to feed her anything but will still hold back eggs, milk, acidics, and shellfish. With all the traveling we’ve not had time to do her own blogpost but pictures are still being uploaded daily. Hopefully we can upload a few videos to her site while the internet is good later this week. Oh and yeserday I had said we would return on Thursday but I was a day behind, we’ll be landing in Belize City on Friday afternoon! Lastly look at my lunch from yesterday, Yummy!

TGIF Bacon Burger with Cheese!

Mèrida Relaxing

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We have had the most relaxed day of them all and it was so much needed. Going out twice felt fun and was stress free, once to get cash, laundry, and gas and another time to get lunch and to make a Walmart run. Say what you want about the store but it has it all and for cheap too. Anyhow Sofia got two full naps and her full five feedings and I hope tomorrow we can do it once more to get everyone back on our old schedrule. Oh just a heads up we’re heading back to Mexico City for some busniess and plan to be home Thursday for those of who are awaiting our arrival back in Belize!

Backyard View

Mèrida, Finally!

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Well today was a long day even though we did the same travel in reverse a few weeks back. I think Sofia and I both hit our quoata becouse she had a mini meltdown on both flights. Nothing too serious but taking a nap in flight for her is a hazzel. Either way we made all conections and had a good airport lunch and breakfast. Landing in Merida the rental car was ready and our good friends are letting us barrow their home for a week while we take a much needed vacation of our own after all those fun family and friend visits.

Cloud Daddy