Miami 2022

Little Havana, Biscayne, and Downtown!

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I was finally able to get my spider roll today so that alone was fantastic! We started the day by exploring Little Havana which honestly could have been skipped, but being we drove we still got out and walked a bit and enjoyed the local flavor of the neighborhood. Afterwords we visited a park for Sofia and she found a little girl to play with for a bit. We were going to head into downtown but chose to hit the island town of Biscayne, lets just say this place was Uppity with its huge fire station, welcome center, and countless medium-rise resorts. The park had a huge fountain and after lunch Sofia was able to run around once again for climbing and sliding.

We went back across the tall bridge linking the mainland and enjoyed a quick tour around Downtown by car. Lots of huge buildings lined the avenues with palm trees and not much traffic for being in the middle of it all I thought. Before heading back to the hotel we stoped to mail a few things at the post office and found two stores to enjoy. We were happy to find shorts long enough for Sofia along with a few shirts as well as shirts for David and another fun printed one for me. Upon reaching the hotel Sofia said she was hungry so I hurried down the street and got her a kids meal, so easy. Later on I went across the street for subs for David and I quick and easy. Sofia enjoyed her last bath of the trip and we’re all excited to be going home tomorrow.

Ocean Drive

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Well let’s just say we had another action packed day. The included hotel breakfast was really nice and everyone had a choice for what they wanted. The shot for Sofia at Walgreens was super easy and this little girl didn’t even want us to sit near or and watched as they injected her, not even a flinch, So Brave! We then enjoyed shopping and she got a huge Pop It for being so good while we waited our fifteen minutes. We headed East into South Beach but prior to enjoying the Art Deco district we hit a huge park that had an acre play area with FOUR different play structures and she made a friend to play with for forty minutes. We found a nice parking area and walked down to the beach and then enjoyed Ocean Drive in South Beach. Lunch was at a Cuban place and everyone left full and happy. Heading back we didn’t hit much traffic on the interstate, though it was nice to go over and under so many other roadways and rivers.

Once back at the hotel around three I got a twenty minutes rest before it was time to head to the third floor pool here. Again we played for almost an hour swimming and jumping and even got to enjoy some table tennis. Once showered we got ready to relax, thinking we’d just get takeout at the hotel we found a PF Changs and chose to head out instead, only five minutes away on the outskirts of a Mega Mall. Wouldn’t you know right beside was ROSS, so obviously we took a spin there and bought a few new clothes! The meal was good and the service was spectator at the restaurant and by the time we left Sofia had to be carried out, as tired as she was, too cute. Now she’s sleeping soundly and after this I’ll update about TWENTY pictures of our fun throughout the day on her site.


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It’s been a long day so this will be quick. We made great time to the airport and enjoyed a meal there and watched the planes. Our flight was about 15 minutes late but still no big deal. Flying over Mexico was awesome and we could point out most of the cities and towns. Landing in Miami we saw our hotel from the plane and Sofia did a fantastic job being a big girl! Rental car was easy and we didn’t get lost at all. Checked into our hotel and unpacked a bit. So hungry so we stoped at the first food joint and I must say Wendy’s hit the spot. Sofia is in the tub now living life, but we’ll be to bed soon. Other then the long line that took abut half an hour at immigration, both crossings were super easy as was security.