General Mexico

Scouts Movie Day!

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We didn’t do much today which again was needed. I did make a yummy open faced egg and roast beef with cheese breakfast. Sofia did her reading almost perfectly and then got some down time along with a yummy snack. We had a soup and sandwich deal for lunch here at home and tidied up a bit. This afternoon we got to see our scout friends and they all enjoyed a movie. While Sofia was with them David and I had a coffee date and then went shopping for odds and ends at the grocer. Being she had a huge popcorn and soda she wasn’t hungry so we’ll just have a quick snack before heading to bed.

First Day Of Summer!

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Well technically for us it was as we’re out of school. We got to the park around nine and had a great time playing around a bit in the mist. We scootered to a lovely cafe and enjoyed lots of goodness and a hot chocolate. By that time it was sunny and warm and as you’ll see in the picture below. Her and Z really enjoyed themselves for a while and there were lucky enough to make more friends on the playground after we made our way back by scooter. They did the seesaws, ran around like crazy people, and even had a race with bikes and scooters. Once home we didn’t do much and had a sandwich lunch, and then a quick and easy pizza dinner. One day down, and our plan is to see a movie with her scouts troop tomorrow, so that’ll be the Saturday plan.

Last Lunch!

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Well today surely went by quickly and we officially have a second grader! What an amazing year for her, and so much more growth to come! David and I enjoyed a lovely meal at the cheesecake factory in a two person booth all to ourselves and it was great. Collected Sofia after her last karate at four and made it home in time for her to eat some leftover chicken pasta, yummy. Otherwise David and I caught up on things this morning and just took it easy. We’re not sure what the next two weeks will hold but I’ve already set up a playdate for tomorrow, finally we’ll go scootering with a friend!

Quick Day

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Will Julia here at least I wasn’t as lonely as the other days without David here. I came straight home after drop off and finalized the laundry and just had snacks for my meals today. Collected Sofia at two and brought her back with time to write her teacher a card and do our usual 15 minutes of reading prior to heading back out for her appointment. During that I sat in the park and did my Duolingo. We enjoyed a nice meal at Rockets and came home and got changed and clean for bed. David should arrive home a bit after mid-night and then we can plan the rest of our summer travels and enjoy our last day just us before Sofia is back from her last day of school! This year sure has flown by! No pictures today, but did upload eight to Sofia’s site.

PE Day!

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Today ended up being really slow for me as my lunch date canceled. But I still ended up having a great muffin and coffee breakfast at my local spot which was nice. I did our Costco shopping and am now filled up on water and drinks and a few other needs. Had a snack lunch and yummy leftover diner. Sofia did great this afternoon and really enjoyed the new book mark, it’s 3-D, I picked up for her today too. Just a little rain off/on but no storms today, fresh breeze as I type too.


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I re-loaded this page and forgot to post after attaching the picture. Yesterday was pretty easy and we had a great afternoon. I only left the house to get Sofia and take her to school. It looked like it was going to storm during pickup at 2 but didn’t happen until seven, once again we had to close all the windows, it’s been glorious and cool! Sofia brought back many of her school books again and it was nice to see how she’s progressed over the year. Today is her last day of PE and she’ll be getting a snack from the cafeteria along with all her other school mates.

Relaxing day

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Well other than going out for a little breakfast with her friend Leo and his family we didn’t do much today. Breakfast while very basic was really nice at the place their family took us. It was a great hour out of the house and they were kind enough to drive us to and from home. Being it was a later breakfast we had a late quick lunch here at home and between watched a really cute movie called IF, maybe it’s because the school year is ending but dang that ending got me in the feels, haha. Tomorrow starts the last week of school and I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. Below is my Enchilada suisas, so very good, a 8 out of Ten!

Nice Dinner

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Today was a good one again with the on/off rain and cooler temperatures. After dropping Sofia off and doing some work around the house David and I had some logistics to take care of and then shared a yummy Chinese meal at the mall. I collected Sofia and made it home in good time and she got her reading done while I did a load of laundry. We all put on our jackets and went out to get Sofia shoes, which ended up being extra pink and very supportive, great choice! We had a great meal in a restaurant and then stopped for our usual ice cream. Before bed we finished our laundry and how it’s shower and snooze time, this week was pretty long with all the new school engagements we had. Ahh speaking of Thursday will be the last day of school, can’t believe it’s almost over, and we’ll celebrate a full year living in on Wednesday!


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Well I meant to post our picture of dinner but you’re already seen my chicken parmesan along with davids yummy tomato/cucumber balsamic vinaigrette topped with feta no doubt, so good. Sofia had a great day back at school and was excited to have her final taekwondo trial. After drop off it was slow getting home because of the rain we got last night, the cooldown has been great but people here just aren’t used to driving in the rain as much as we are. I did stop to the shop this afternoon and got a few more vegetables along with some yummy roast beef and blue cheese we’ll use over the next week.

Two for One

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Seems I forgot to post last night because I updated Sofia’s site and I guess I forgot to do my own. But if you’ve gotten the email you’ve seen how amazing her presentation was and how proud we were of her. Otherwise it was a pretty normal day with late pickup after karate and then a quick and easy dinner here then bed.

Today she didn’t have school as she did a concert with her lower elementary peers from 1-3rd grade. It was nice to see a room full of sharply dressed proud parents and they did such an amazing job! I’ve posted two short videos of that on Facebook. Afterwords we got some Starbucks because she did ask ever so nicely, no not a coffee, just a frappe. She had her last vaxination for a while and then we all enjoyed a snack on the way home.

David had a little business this afternoon so after Sofia had her appointment and I did my duolingo her and I enjoyed a sushi meal, which you’ll see below, Yum! She’s ready for bed after a full and long day. It’s back to normal tomorrow and the temperature will be cooling down into the 70s which we are all really excited for too!