
House Day

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This morning Sofia didn’t feel so good so we didn’t explore like we thought we would. It was okay as I was able to catch up on laundry and pre-pack a bit, we have to leave tomorrow around 6:30. We had some really nice sushi for dinner while Sofia enjoyed some teriyaki chicken/broccoli. Below you’ll see which house we’ll be taking over as the blue townhouse we’ve called home for three year has been rented. It’ll be excited to get home and organize and get back into the schedule of things. Our flight number is AM 0324, so enjoy tracking us while we’re up in the sky from 10-12 tomorrow!

17 Years!

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We enjoyed our day re-exploring Centro and popped into the major Aztec temple that Mexico City was built around. You’ll see below our meals for lunch (steak and lamb) while we also enjoyed calamari and Sofia had a fantastic fish meal. Wine and sangria turned our lunch extra special! We left to see friends a neighborhood beside ours and reached home a bit ago. We’re all tired and we can’t wait to go to bed!

Museo Soumay and Acuario Inbursa

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We had yet another full day and even found friends from Belize! We started at the aquarium and it was so great to see so many fish up close and touch a few things in the interactive area. We crossed the street to the mall and enjoyed a lite snack before hitting another museum and meeting friends. Two of the five levels were landscape and people paintings and below you’ll see my two favorites, just amazing. Sofia was so happy to have friends along for this part of the trip so the three of them had great little conversations about the art too. We ended our day with a play area at another mall and a yummy chilli’s meal with drinks!

Chapultepec Castle!

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We just had another amazing day and got to explore a huge castle on the top of the hill! It was loaded with a ton of history with room that were so decked out and pretty! I was excited to find a portrait of a man of color as well as a ginger hanging on the walls and you’ll see a few pictures of the views too. We walked down a huge avenue called Paseo de la Reforma on the way to lunch and found a fun park where Sofia played for almost an hour before returning home. I got a hair cut with the down time we had and we ventured out with friends to have an amazing steak dinner while Sofia again got to play inside a play area. Can’t believe we’re all up at ten, hopefully tomorrow we’re able to sleep in!

Children’s Museum!

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We had what you could say was The Best Day Ever. We got to the museum at 11 and didn’t really know what to expect but that building just went on and on. There were a ton of options, both self learning and guided learning, outside areas, play areas, and two theaters. Being Sofia hasn’t been to one we booked two movies, one in iMax and the other in a 360 dome! We had both lunch and dinner in the area and she went for six hours. I’ve uploaded 23 pictures to her site of all the fun we’ve had. Tomorrow we had a dinner date with fiends and I hope to just do a small tour of a near by castle.

Mexico City Part Two!

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The picture below was taken from the bus, I just love the fields, mountains, and city all in one capture and of course the clouding. The bus ride was just under two hours and comfortable. We made it to our last rental of the trip and the view is nice and green with a few taller buildings sprinkled in to fill in the city scene. We had a quick and yummy lunch and went out to supply for breakfast and got a few snacks. Once home we relaxed and got unpacked. Sofia is in the tub as I type and I’m already cozy in my pajamas. We’ll watch a movie and head to bed soon after.

The Park!

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We walked for twenty minutes to a new area today in order for Sofia to have some park time. It was excellent as she found a little guy her age to play with. Santiago spoke a little English and it was cute seeing Sofia trying to teach/speak Spanish too. They played hide & seek and chase most of the time, even more fun we could see her slide down the corkscrew! We went to the main plaza for lunch afterwards and got to see a hip-hop dance group that was really fun. For dinner we had tacos and enjoyed another little show. We’ve booked our Mexico City house for just under a week and will arrive via ADO bus tomorrow.


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Sofia was able to take her first driving lesson at the arcade today and really kept the focus! Daddy and her did a dino crisis game while her and I did some dance revelation. We went back after lunch and played air hockey too, and then got an ice cream. It was nice to have an easy day. We’ve booked our flight home for Sunday the 28th and will pick up a transfer from Chetumal and we hope to make it home that night.


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Today was a fabulous one as Sofia was on her best behavior and we got to see a new area of the city. Everyone slept in until 8:30 and it was wonderful, the cool nights and light rain really set the mood. By the time everyone is ready for the day it’s a bit after ten and we venture our for walking and sight seeing. Today we went to the artist district and enjoyed a great meal after looking at lots of cool stuff. On the way back home we popped into a art museum and a church or two, and found a park for Sofia to slide and swing. Oh I dropped off laundry this morning and was able to pick it up this afternoon, THAT I could get use to, folded and nice. We also enjoyed a quick McDonalds dinner and again Sofia was able to play in the play area there. The main attraction tonight though was our outing to the Symphony! Sofia stayed for about 45 minutes and didn’t ask to leave until intermission! As a reward she got her ice cream cone as we made our way home under umbrella in the rain.


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We all woke up ready to take another trip so we called up a car and went twenty minutes into the next town. There we enjoyed a church with amazing views which was situated on top of a Toltec built pyramid! We were able to explore the ruins below and the church pretty swiftly once we climbed a few 100 stairs. We enjoyed our best lunch yet at a local Mexican restaurant in the center of town and Sofia got to play in a park after and before. We explored another church on the square and made our way home for some relax time. We found a sushi spot near by and enjoyed dinner. Luckily before leaving they set up a mariachi band in the main center and we were able to hear a few fabulous songs. Sofia made her way to the very front and sat down for a few while we recored from behind. Made our way home and collected a few yummy breads for tomorrow’s breakfast.