
Ready to Roll!

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We are packed to the gills and ready to go. I’ve not been this excited to go anywhere since we left to get Sofia back in January! Belize is calling us and I need to get on the road. Our daughter is sleeping soundly and we should get a good few hours of travel before her early afternoon lunch break. Our next post will be from Chetumal if all goes to plan.

Our Packed MiniBus!

Packing Day!

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Hi there we now have a fifiteen passenger minibus ready and waiting to be packed up for tomorrows journey. Below you’ll see the route we’ll take, a picture of us at the back of the van, and an added picture of the pretty local arts we picked up for Sofias room and a serving dish for our new table that’s being built in belize. We have half a garage full of stuff all labeled and ready for border crossings on monday. We will pack up our last bit of used items tomorrow morning before hitting the road. Hopefully we have an easy drive and I have enough energy to post about it when we check into Chetumal.

Van, Colors, and Map!

The last big push

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Today we packed our little rental car again to the roor. Below you’ll see a jumper, rider, highchair, and a mattress, along with a darling cupcake outfit. I was able to buy a few more bins to casolidate our goods for the move and even found a floor lamp with a cute reading lamp attached to it. Oh I got a haircut after dinner tonight and will be napping a bit before I take over for the morning shift. Tomorrow we pack!

Bulk Buy

Final Countdown

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Well not really as we have two days but we did yet another marathon afternoon of shopping. I am still looking for a floor lamp, crib mattress, and a wall hanging or two but all in all we are almost at capasity. You’ll see below a ton of fun and exciting things for later this year and I threw in the pillow for some color, pretty huh? I posted on Sofia’s Offical site about the carrier and that too is awesome. Tomorrow we look for those final things, Saturday we pack, and Sunday we make our way to Chetumal!

The Later Months!

Rainy Afternoon

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I loved the rain today, we’ve not had it since our time in Villahermosa. It’s now cool and I hope it stays for a few more days. Anyhow we got a cheesecake today while shopping and had a nice lunch between stores. The picture below and a sams club run, no more hardware needed thank goodness. Booked our room for next week in Belize, get excited people we’ll be back home in a week!

Flag Pic!


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So guys, I’ve been a slug. Things are great with us and I’m posting yet another meal picture. The stage has been set for a Belize arrival next week so we’ll have to get more eating and shopping in. The next few days should be fast and exciting. I’ll try to post more but yesterday and the prior I just felt the need for less computer time. Sofia is great and again is vocallizing more and more!


Dinner for two and a half

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Well that half is obviously Sofia even though she did not eat and slept the whole time. Yesterday was our relaxed day and it’s a good thing we didn’t plan anything. Our daughter was up nearly the whole afternoon so we played, read, made phone calls, and played some more. I’m up now only because she wanted some two am attention before heading back to bed an hour ago. The maid comes early today so let’s hope Sofia eats and gives me a few more hours of sleep.

Steak, us, shrimp, and beef!

Plantation get-away

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Well you can’t say we’ve not made friends on this merida trip becouse today our dentist invited us out of the city for lunch. Pretty crazy how accommodating and real the people here have been. Needless to say we had a great time exploring an old agave farm and had a fabulous lunch. I took a few fun pictures around the property and posted them below in fotogrid format. If you head over to Sofia’s personal site you’ll also see another family picture. We have NO plans tomorrow, though at this moment I mean today, Sunday. We will kick back into fun and shopping a little later this week prior to our big move south, the idea is to leave Mondayish but ya’all know how that goes for us.

Hacienda Ochil


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As you know we switched homes a few weeks back and are enjoying the new place very much. The people, owners, have been great and invited us to their house for a meal a week back, not sure what to expect we said yes and I’m glad we did. The house they are in is just as nice as ours and the garden area is huge, as pictured below. We had such a nice meal too which was a cold cherry tomato soup, fresh bread, pear salad, pork tenderloin two ways on the grill, and even a bowl of whipped cream and strawberries at the end. This not even including the beverage choices which ended with not one but three bottles of wine split between us. Needless to say we hope to return the favor for them in Belize and I’m glad that even with Sofia we can make new friends. By the way she was a champ, letting us socialize and only being vocal once when it was time for her own food.


Another Doctors Visit

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This time the visit was for David and I. Being we extended we took the opportunity to have physicals done. We’ll know Saturday of our results but expect eveything to come back okay. In the years since our last one I’m pretty certain we’ve just gotten fatter and more mature. The best part about today was the view from being up six floors, we really haven’t been that high in weeks. Sofia is doing well and actually verbalized a few syllables for the first time today, onwards and upwards I say!

Doctor visits.