South America

We Made It!

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Just a quick update today, got into Mexico city after leaving Buenos Aires an hour late. Practically had to run to our connection flight heading to Cancun but otherwise the trip was seamless. Caught a bus into downtown Cancun and will stay here for a few hours before taking that night bus into Belize City at ten. Should be back to placnecia before dark Thursday, will keep you updated!

Tarmac Deplane

Goodbye, Bunous Aries!

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Tonight we start our journey back to Belize and while I’d love to be back home, I’m not looking forward to the transportation of getting there. Atleast we had a fun day out seeing a few last parks, and buildings. Starting with the congress building, a large park, massive avenues, fountains, and statues I didn’t think it could get any better. Well as with most things during exploring I was wrong. Google if you will the palace of water and you’ll see what I mean, what an outstanding public works building that was. That one was build one hundred years befor my birthday and still stands glamorous. We had a quick luch and walked home, packing begins now and we’ll grab a bite before we have to leave at eight.

Congress Building, 1896!

Recoleta, Buenos Aires!

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Here we are back home after having another full day around town. The highlight for me was the start of our day in which we took a tour of the Japanese Gardens, I mean parks and plazas are nice but nothing beats those coy ponds, colores, use of rock and other natural elements. After this we took a tour of the affluent neighborhoods before heading down to the main working district and avenues. Below you’ll see a tower built in (1916) with the United Kingdom showcasing solidarity and the trust for a century. Behind is a plaza dedicated to San Martin, a monument for the Falkland War, and large buildings on either side. Lastly before heading back we saw their obelisk, the national theatre, and the judicial building. Oh, I forgot we also saw the main church and the cemetery, which was just as grand as the homes mentioned earlier, just smaller.

Torre Monumental

Where to Begin?

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We’ve traveled by subway and on foot for miles today and didn’t even hit the main downtown center yet. I was tempted to start that an hour ago but my feet and body said, no, you need a rest. We started our day at an antique\artist market with many odd things like bells, china, cutlery, art, brass, chandeliers, door knocks, and jewelry just to name a few. All these small tents were lined by a park and out a few blocks with blocked off streets. We grabbed a small bite to eat and then continued to the national museum. This building, while not as good as most, gave a good idea about how the nation came to be and concentrated on a few decades after its independence.

The afternoon took us to the transportation hub of the city in order to connect into the main plaza. I have about twenty pictures of the buildings situated there like the national palace, main bank building from years ago, and a cathedral housing their great liberator! Before heading home we found the old post office building, and boy was it grand from the outside, which has been repurposed into a learning and arts center. Lastly we took a tour of two ships dating to the late 1800s one a vessel ment to train seaman of the era. Tomorrow we will head back into the main plaza but take the other route leading to old town.

Metro Day!

Palermo In Buenos Aires, Argentina

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I’m not sure how I’m still awake after walking miles today in a residential district of the city. We will take the metro tomorrow to the old center but for today we explored our home base for the next three days. This city within the city is sleepy with small parks lined with restaurants and churches. The avenues are lined with huge trees and the temperature has been 70-60 all day with clear skies. We had nice meals again and eneded our day with raviolis and a pizza.

Basílica del Espíritu Santo and Park

Montevideo, Uruguay!

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What a lovley capitol town this place was, I’m talking awesome architecture nice people, and thrilling food! We got in an hour late but still got to experience many hours exploring. Hanging around small and large parks alike, walking by stunning buildings (like the one below) and viewing the inside of three has me spellbound. I may have a full album, just of Uruguay, worth of pictures. Seeing the national history museum gave me a wealth of information and you can tell just how proud this small nation between three large ones is. Lastly we took a tour of a large corner mansion (1\4th block) with three floors with a castle like balcony at the top filled with lovley wallpaper, chandeliers, fireplaces in almost every room, stained indoor windows, brilliant mirrors, flawless inlaid floors, lavish Furniture, and one grand outside garden!

Classic Corner Building!

Final Sea Day

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Hey guys! We’ve had a great day of truley relaxing aboard the Norwegian Sun. Luckily we ran into a good friend we’ve made, prior to breakfast, and shared a meal and time chatting away. Two weeks may not seem like much but we’ve met a good twenty people whom we hope to keep in touch with. The afternoon consisted of movies, reading, and a good luch in a main dining hall. For dinner we had Italian in which both of us had the chicken parmesan. The below picture was a few days back of my favorite on board meal.


Tombo Rookery!

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Wow what an experience it was to see so many penguins and the picture below was just a small section of what we saw! Starting with the bus ride an hour and a half to the place I didn’t expect to see so much shrubbery and rockey, sandy land. It was pretty in its own way and we saw a few ostriches (rhia) and camel (guanaco) like things without the humps along with sheep and two large hares. The main attraction, a penguin birthing area, is the biggest in the world for these Magellanic birds. We walked a good two miles of shoreline and saw thousands of holes and maybe fifty babies being guarded by mom and pops alike. I took a few videos and found a few favorites to be the spunky penguins which would cross your path for a up close photo op. Being it took the full day we didn’t get any internet time so you’ll be seeing this on Friday hopefully.

1,000 and 1 Penguins!

Another Day at Sea

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Well guys the entertainment of the ship today wasn’t too exciting so I got a nap and steam in during the afternoon. In the morning we attended another seminar about the last two ports of call and had a leisurely breakfast. So the picture below was taken after our wine tasting (blind) in which David won a bottle by guessing the correct grape variety and place of production. Once again we enjoyed our time with the nearby tables and got another chance to further our friendship with one of the couples from Meixco City. Tomorrow comes early as our tour starts at Seven AM, hopefully we have time to check email after.

Wine & Cookies

Port Stanley Exploration.

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Well the Falkland Islands have proven that the British love their cold, windy, and wet landmasses. I’ve got a few pictures though of pretty coves with large yellow like healthier bushes with jutting stones and white beaches. Below you’ll see penguins and how cute and cuddly they looked! Other then this little group we got to see a solitary one in the next cove playing in the waves, he waddled into the sea swam around and would walk back up about twenty feet and do it again. We stayed at the cove for a good hour before realizing our ears were freezing off and headed back to town for an email check. Soon after the rain and wind came harder and we found ourselves back on the ship for lunch. We took advantage of the steam room and my skins not felt this good in weeks, that hot moisture had me ready for Belize again. Tomorrow we have another sea day and the fallowing me plan to see a penguin rookery!

Magallanic Penguins!